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Day 1: Hit the ground running.

Our first morning in Uganda!

Our first morning in Uganda was spent in a big white tent waiting for our COVID test results

at the Airport. We were all negative!

We finally got to sleep around 6am and got a few hours of MUCH NEEDED sleep. We woke up, ate breakfast and went to listen in on a Pastors Conference that was being held in Kampala (the capital city of Uganda). Rod VanSolkema, Pastor from Crossroads Bible Church, gave a message and encouragement to many Ugandan Pastors. At the end of his message he invited them to dialogue about the struggles that they are facing here in Uganda throughout the COVID crisis.

Some of the struggles that they shared with us are:

  • Due to COVID restrictions, children can not attend church, which is hurting the younger generation who is not hearing the gospel of Jesus.

  • Prison Ministries are not taking place because Pastors are not allowed to enter prisons.

  • Many have lost jobs and the economy in Uganda has a hard time recovering from tragedies such as this.

  • Many Pastors are feeling burnt out from all of the needs their church family has.

Would you join us in praying for our brothers and sisters in Uganda? COVID has been a difficult season for so many. They, like us, need encouragement and prayers during this trying season. Pray they would have strength to continue sharing the Gospel here in Uganda.

After lunch, we drove to Mityana and visited a school where some of the Amiina Children attend! We were welcomed with joyful singing!

We got to spend some time talking and playing games with the children. Their faces are beautiful! So many smiling faces. We were also able to help install a water tank at the school! This was very much needed!

We are now settled in our hotel where we will be staying for the next few nights. Everyone is exhausted in the best way and off to get some much needed rest!

We cant wait for tomorrow!

*Written by: Quincy Eldersveld

Please pray for the team. Plans have changed a bit and tomorrow is scheduled to be our Amiina Super Saturday. All the children in our program will join us at the Community Center for a big day of fun, love and sharing the gospel. Everyone is exhausted from travel and time change. Pray Jesus would be their strength tomorrow.


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